A Short Intro…

Henry MittelmanI am the author of the Amazon #1 Bestseller,  UnSTUCK for Good! – The SIMPLE Five Step Solution, the founder and CEO of CEO Advisory Partners.

As a specialty coaching and advisory firm, we provide CEOs, business owners, serious entrepreneurs, and senior executives with honest counsel, guidance, and accountability to help grow and operate successful profitable businesses. I now write, speak, and coach full-time. I am married, have two daughters, and live in metro Boston, MA.

My Backstory…

I grew up in Levittown, New York, the child of a hard-working, middle-class family. I started working when I was fifteen years old. I worked in a shoe store, a jewelry store, a bowling alley, attended New York University, and served four years in the United States Air Force.  I ultimately landed a position with a small regional retail firm—and never looked back. For twenty-three years, I helped develop and ultimately operated what eventually became a $400 million national clothing chain (Loehmann’s). During that time, I finished my education and eventually earned my MBA.

I then moved on to KPMG, one of the world’s largest consulting firms, where I was managing director for four years and then joined a group of serious entrepreneurs and became the President and CEO of three successful professional services firms. Throughout my journey, I’ve had the opportunity to be an advisor and coach to hundreds of business owners, entrepreneurs, and executives.

The Biggest Thing I’ve Learned…

STOP foolishly spending your hard earned money on acquiring more and more knowledge. There’s a very good chance you already have all the knowledge you need to be a success.

You see, most CEOs, business owners, and serious entrepreneurs who struggle with underperforming businesses have never learned how to be accountable to themselves. There are literally thousands of books that outline the many essential steps to becoming a successful CEO, business owner, or entrepreneur. There are even more books about time management, marketing, leadership, and motivation. I’d guess you’ve read your fair share (or at least bought your fair share).

Luckily for book publishers and authors, people have an unquenchable thirst for more knowledge. People continue to buy books thinking the concepts, or step-by-step instructions of how to do this or that, will be the “magic bullet” to success. Assuming you have the proper knowledge to succeed in business—and if you don’t, you never should have entered the race—the only thing really holding you back is not using that knowledge effectively day after day after day.

My clients learn how to take MASSIVE ACTION to drive their business. You will learn the concepts that help you master personal accountability. I will show you how to achieve it. What is it? Why you lack it? Why is it so important? What can it do for you? How personal accountability and MASSIVE ACTION make the difference between success and failure? And how can you attain it?

The concept of MASSIVE ACTION and personal accountability dictates every choice you make: how you spend your time; how you spend your money or someone else’s money; whether you effectively delegate or compulsively over-control; whether you blame others, make excuses or take responsibility; and how you plan your workday versus what you actually do all day.

Even down to how often you check your email—it all comes down to MASSIVE ACTION and personal accountability. Mastering it is how you win the “success game”, and I can help you “make it happen.”

